RabaTEENS is a nurturing space for deep and meaningful Islamic spiritual mentorship with compassionate and caring mentors. We design fun, creative, and positive educational experiences to help teens grow confidently and comfortably into their faith.

Class Description

Know what's what with your period! In this class, we'll clear up any confusion and answer all your questions, so you can walk away with confident knowledge about managing your period. We'll discuss what to do and what not to do during your period and how to make the best of those days. Understanding your body is important, and we're here to help. 

We'll cover the timing of menstruation, helping you understand when your period is likely to start and what signs to look for. Knowing this can help you be better prepared each month. Additionally, we'll talk about how to tell when your period has ended, so you can confidently move on with your routine. 

One of the key aspects we'll focus on is the process of purification after your period. This is an important step in maintaining your spiritual and physical well-being. We'll guide you through the steps, ensuring you know exactly what to do and why it matters.


Class Outline

Week 1: Introductions

In this session, we will be introduced to each other, to the study of fiqh, and some key terms that will be useful during this class. 

Week 2: Timing is Everything!

In this session, we will cover the timing of menstruation, how long it can last, and how to know when it has started or ended. We will learn to track our period to have a better understanding of when it is coming. We will discuss the confusing times that may face us at the start, end, and between periods, and how to manage it. 

Week 3: Dos & Don’ts  

In this session, we will cover what is allowed and what is not allowed during our period, and how to hold fast to our relationship with Allah ﷻ even when we can’t pray.

Week 4: Keepin’ it Clean! 

This session will cover the ghusl, or ritual purification at the end of menstruation. We will cover the physical and spiritual aspects of purification, as well as how to keep our bodies, spaces, and clothes clean of najasah.

Week 5: It’s a Cycle! 

In this final session, we will go over the cycle of menstruation and circle back to all we have learned as well as learning how to track our cycles and know what’s in store for the future.

Class Activity Materials

Notebook and pen for note-taking

Required Book


Class Day & Time

Mondays 6:00 - 7:00 pm CST 

Session dates: July 1st - 29th 

This class is for teen girls ages 12-17 years old 

*Please note: Participants must attend Zoom live sessions. Classes are NOT recorded.

Certificate of Participation

A certificate of participation will be given to students who complete the class.

Refund Policy

No refunds are issued once the session begins. 

Coming of Age: Fiqh of Menstruation for Teen Girls

Meets once a week for one hour (5-week session)


Education Director Anse Eamaan Rabbat

Anse Eamaan Rabbat was raised in the United States and in Syria, where she benefited from renowned female teachers of the Islamic sciences, including tajwid, sirah, hadith, fiqh, and aqīdah. After moving to the United Arab Emirates, she earned her Bachelor’s in Mass Communications with concentrations in Advertising and Journalism and later earned a Master’s in Educational Leadership and Administration. Since graduating university, she has dedicated her time to the education and upbringing of children and adults. She has held various positions in educational institutions and schools, and volunteered at various educational centers. She has been honored to serve as director of the Ribaat Academic Institute since its inception in Fall 2013 and presently serves as Rabata's Education Director.