RabaTEENS is a nurturing space for deep and meaningful Islamic spiritual mentorship with compassionate and caring mentors. We design fun, creative, and positive educational experiences to help teens grow confidently and comfortably into their faith.

Class Description

In this class, we will explore the Tafsīr of Surat Al-Kahf, diving deep into its timeless lessons and powerful stories. Surat Al-Kahf holds unique significance for Muslims, containing profound wisdom on trials of faith, knowledge, wealth, and power. By studying its verses, we aim to uncover practical guidance for navigating the challenges we face in our daily lives. Each session will engage students in thoughtful discussions, encouraging them to reflect on how the teachings of this surah can be applied to strengthen both their faith and character. 

Over the course of five weeks, we will focus on the four key stories within Surat Al-Kahf: the story of the people of the cave, the story of the two men and their gardens, the story of Prophet Musa (AS) and Khidr, and the story of Dhul-Qarnayn. Each narrative carries important lessons about patience, humility, gratitude, and the pursuit of knowledge. Through interactive discussions and reflections, students will gain a deeper understanding of how these themes resonate in their own lives, ultimately fostering personal growth and spiritual connection.

Class Outline

Week 1: Introduction to Surat Al-Kahf

In the first week, the class will be introduced to the significance, themes, and context of Surat Al-Kahf. We will begin with a discussion on the importance of this surah in the life of a Muslim, particularly focusing on its recitation every Friday and the protection it offers from the Dajjal. Students will explore whether Surat Al-Kahf is Makki or Madani, its context of revelation, and how its themes—such as the trials of faith, knowledge, wealth, and power—are relevant today.  

Week 2: The Story of the People of the Cave

This week will focus on the story of the people of the cave, a profound tale that emphasizes the trial of faith. We will dive deep into the Tafsir of this story, learning about the young believers who stood up against oppression due to their unwavering faith in Allah. The miraculous nature of their prolonged sleep and how it serves as a symbol of divine protection will be explored. 

Week 3: The Story of the Two Gardens  

In the third week, students will explore the trial of wealth through the story of the two men and their gardens. We will begin by recapping the lessons from the previous story and discussing the importance of faith in overcoming challenges. The Tafsīr will highlight the contrast between the two men—one rich and arrogant, the other humble and grateful. Students will examine how arrogance and ingratitude lead to the downfall of the wealthy man, and how the story teaches us about the fleeting nature of worldly possessions.

Week 4: The Story of Prophet Musa and Khidr 

This session will cover the trial of knowledge through the story of Prophet Musa and Khidr. After reviewing key lessons from the previous week, we will explore the journey of Prophet Musa as he seeks knowledge from Khidr. This story highlights the themes of patience, trust, and the limits of human understanding. Students will learn about divine wisdom that often surpasses human comprehension, encouraging them to develop patience and trust in Allah's plan. 

Week 5: The Story of Dhul-Qarnayn and Conclusion 

In the final week, students will explore the story of Dhul-Qarnayn, which illustrates the trial of power. We will discuss how Dhul-Qarnayn was a just ruler who used his power responsibly, particularly when building a barrier to protect people from the destructive forces of Gog and Magog. Students will then reflect on the qualities of good leadership from an Islamic perspective and how power should always be used with justice. Finally, we will conclude by summarizing the key lessons from all four stories and discussing how they apply to modern-day challenges faced by teens today.

Class Activity Materials


Required Book


Class Day & Time

Sundays 9:30 - 10:30 am CST 

Session dates: October 6th - November 3rd 

This class is for teen girls ages 12-17 years old 

*Please note: Participants must attend Zoom live sessions. Classes are NOT recorded.

Certificate of Participation

A certificate of participation will be given to students who complete the class.

Refund Policy

No refunds are issued once the session begins. 

Tafsīr Surat Al-Kahf

Meets once a week for one hour (5-week session)


Anse Dr. Farhana Yunus

Anse Dr. Farhana Yunus is a lifelong student of sacred knowledge. She has completed the Ribaat Teacher Certification through the Ribaat Academic Institute, completed Bayyinah Access 1, 2, and 3, studied the Ajroomiyah with Qutoof Academy, completed tajwīd and studied the Jazariyyah with Rahman School of Orlando, and studied with Islamic Online Institute with the Islamic Circle of North America Sisters Wing. She has been teaching Tafseer of the Quran for over 10 years and currently runs a study circle for women of Quran Tafseer and Seerah. She also organizes the women’s Annual Spirit Retreat, has served on the Muslim Womens Organization Board, and is a Girlscout Troop leader. She joined Ribaat as an instructor in 2021, and also teaches for both the Rabata youth programs, RabaTEENS and Dragonflies.