RabaTEENS is a nurturing space for deep and meaningful Islamic spiritual mentorship with compassionate and caring mentors. We design fun, creative, and positive educational experiences to help teens grow confidently and comfortably into their faith.

Class Description

This class aims to show young Muslim girls how powerful they can be by exploring amazing women from Muslim history who built, helped, and led others. We do not know enough about how Muslim women helped in history, especially in building things, but this class aims to start changing that. Having role models is the best way for us to want to do good things and make the world better, and these women from the past could inspire us to dream big and work hard! 

In our class, we will learn that while we can't do everything, we still have the power to do good. We'll learn about five amazing women from Muslim history—Zubaidah bint Ja'far, Fatima al-Fihri, Maryam al-Fihri, Gawhar Shad, and Haseki Sultan Hurrem. They were like superheroes, building stuff, helping others, and leading countries. Their stories will inspire Muslim girls and women today to be amazing in whatever roles they take on—as daughters, moms, wives, scientists, leaders, and more, and especially as believers following Allah's path.

Class Outline

Week 1: Zubaidah bint Ja'far

In this lesson, we'll discuss how each of us possesses special abilities given by Allah. We will meet the well known Abbasid princess, who was also a granddaughter of an Abbasid khalifa, niece of an Abbasid khalifa, wife of an Abassid khalifa, and mother of an Abbasid khalifa. She lived in the 8th-century Baghdad and is renowned for Darb Zubaidah that she built—the series of wells, reservoirs, and artificial pools that provided water for Muslim pilgrims along the route from Baghdad to Makkah and Madinah. 

Week 2: Al Fihri sisters

In this lesson, we'll learn about Fatima and Maryam al Fihri, sisters who lived in 9th-century Morocco. They invested their entire inheritance and wealth in constructing two mosques: Fatima built the famous Al-Qarawiyyin mosque, while Maryam built the Al-Andalus mosque. 

Week 3: Gawhar Shad

Meet the Empress of the Timurid Dynasty, Gawhar Shad, who lived in the 15th century in Herat. She constructed the Mussala complex in Herat and the Goharshad Mosque in Mashad. After her husband's death in 1447, she became the de facto ruler of an empire that stretched from the Tigris to the borders of China.

Week 4: Haseki Sultan Hurrem 

We will explore the life of the most famous Ottoman sultana who lived in 16th-century Istanbul. She utilized her power and status to engage in numerous significant public building projects, spanning from Makkah to Al-Quds (Jerusalem). Among her constructions stands the immense Haseki complex in Istanbul.

Week 5: Reflections

In our final lesson, we're each going to talk about the topic: "I've got a special power given by Allah. I will change the world, inshaAllah!" We'll share what makes us special and how we can use our strengths to make the world a better place. We'll listen to each other's ideas and dreams, encouraging and supporting one another. It's a chance for us to believe in ourselves and in the amazing things we can do to make a positive difference in the world!

Class Activity Materials

Paper, pencil, and other writing tools

Required Book


Class Day & Time

Tuesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm CST 

Session dates: October 8th - November 5th 

This class is for teen girls ages 12-17 years old 

*Please note: Participants must attend Zoom live sessions. Classes are NOT recorded.

Certificate of Participation

A certificate of participation will be given to students who complete the class.

Refund Policy

No refunds are issued once the session begins. 

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Meets once a week for one hour (5-week session)


Anse Azra Hasanović

Anse Azra Hasanović was born and raised in a small country in southeastern Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Being a full time mother of two daughters and three sons has inspired her to devote her time and talents to the growth of her community. She's been working as the editor of Magazine for Muslim Women "Bosnian Sumayya" for 8 years and has recently started teaching Islam in two primary schools. Anse Azra is a writer, translator, and author of Islamic books for children. Her fascination with letters and words is also visible in her paintings with motives of Arabic letters. During her studies on the Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Sarajevo, she fell deeply in love with Islamic History. Ever since then, she has been searching for jewels and pearls of the rich Islamic past. The life of the Prophet (s) and the great Muslim figures, especially women, are her main topics of interest. Trees, clouds and sounds of rivers make her thrilled, and she finds small pleasures in books, tea, and all kinds of creativity.